In biology and ecology environment is all of the natural materials and living things on the earth. This is also called the natural environment. Some people called themselves environmentalist. These people think that harmony with the environment is important. They think we must protect the environment. They think people should not put so much pollution into the natural environment. The important things in the environment that we value are called natural resources. For example fish, sunlight, and forests. These are renewable natural resources because they grow naturally when we use them. Non – renewable natural resources are important things in the environment that do not come back naturally. For example coal and natural gas. 26. What does the word “ environmentalists” in line 3 mean ? A. living things. B. people who protect the environment. C. people who destroy the environment. D. people who pollute the environment. 27. One example of renewable natural resources is……………………. A. sunlight B. coal C. oil D. natural gas 28. One example of non - renewable natural resources is………… A. fish B. tree C. water D. coal 29. All of the following things are renewable natural resources except… A. air B. grass C. silver D. animal 30. What does the word “them” in line 7 refer to ? A. materials. B. environmentalists. C. Renewable natural resources.D. non - renewable natural resources .

2 câu trả lời


27. A

28. D

29. C

30. C






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