Imagine you have set up a project at school to help the environment. Choose a project from the list below or use your own idea . recycle other types of rubbish . start a school garden and grow fruits and vegetables . stop using plastic bags completely

2 câu trả lời

As you can see our town is polluted so that If I have set up project at school to protect the environment I will help the environment become better. the first, I will say no with the plastic bottles and the plastic bags. second I will Organize a propaganda session with my students to protect the environmen. thirdly I'll encourage students to more plant trees because tree is useful to make the air become better. after that I won't not waste the paper and the water. I will put garbage in the right place too. and finally I will use the recycled things 

   I think if you do like me then you can protect the environment.

-put rubbish in the bin

- do not use te plas tic bottle

-plant more tree 

-do not break the branches

- always remenber reduce, reuse and recycle

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