III Give the correct form of the words in brackets 1. He always does his work_________ (good) 2. Her sister plays the violin__________ (beautiful) 3. you walk very ___________ (fast) 4. She always speaks___________ to her child (soft) 5. Helen is a very_________ student . (Slowly) 6. Helen work very _________ in her new job . (hard) 7. You should drive more__________ along this road.(slow) 8. This is an____________ exercises________(easy) 9. Tense an_______ exercise. (easy) 10. Come here________ we need your help. (quick) 11. My mother is a________ of English. (teach) 12. He is a famous_________. (act) 13. Her father is a __________. (famous) 14. She sent her best wishes for my future_______. (happy) 15. ________are trying to find out new stars. (science)) 16. We are proud of our _______(friend) 17. There articles were written by a good_______(report) 18. He war punished for his______(lazy) 19. This______ has written many stories for children (write) 20. This is the biggest ______in the city .(build) 21. He’ll never forget his happy_______(child) 22. Peter is an _____member of our club. (act) 23. We like going in his car as he is a______ driver. (care) 24. AIDS is a_____ disease. (danger) 25. Do you often read_______ newspapers ? (day) 26. They are watching an ______foot ball match on TV. (excite) 27. She is ______of doing the same things ever day. (tire) 28. What do you usually do on ______days ? (sun) 29. These are ______toys for children. (use) 30. She looks ______in her new coat . (attract) 31. he turns out to be the _____student in his class. (good)

2 câu trả lời

1 . well

2 . beautifully

3 . fast

4 . softly

5 . slowly

6 . hard

7 . slowly

8 . easily

9 . easily

10 . quickly

11 . teacher

12 . actor

13 . fame

14 . happiness

15 . Scientists

16 . friendship

17 . reporter

18 . laziness

19 . writing

20 . building

21 . childhood

22 . active

23 . careful

24. dangerous

25 . daily

26 . exciting

27 . tired

28 . sunny

29 . useful

30 . attractive

31 . best

1 . well

2 . beautifully

3 . fast

4 . softly

5 . slowly

6 . hard

7 . slowly

8 . easily

9 . easily

10 . quickly

11 . teacher

12 . actor

13 . fame

14 . happiness

15 . scientists

16 . friendship

17 . reporter

18 . laziness

19 . writing

20 . building

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