III. Find a suitable word for the sentences below. One example has been done for you. 0. A. Are you interested in geography lessons? B. She's got a degree in geography. C. Kim knew the geography of the building and strode along the corridor. 1. A.......plenty of salted water, then add the spaghetti. B. I'll......the kettle and make some tea. C. She put some potatoes on to....... 2. A. I tried to........the discussion back to the main issue. B. If you......, I'll follow. C. Eating too much sugar can......to health problems. 3. A. We camped in a......near the village. B. All of them are experts in their chosen....... C. My parents were working in a....... 4. A. All the windows......with the force of the blast; B. The bag...... under the weight of the bottles inside it. C. She dropped the plate and it......into pieces. 5. A. The human body has an amazing capacity to......itself. B. It was too late to......the damage done to their relationship. C. The home team did well to......a bad start. 6. A. Surgeons have successfully......a liver into a four-year-old boy. B. Patients often reject......organs. C. Japanese production methods have been......(moved) into some British factories. 7. A. We've had a lot of support from all our friends and....... B. Our next-door......are very noisy. C. Britain's nearest......is France. 8. A. My kids spend hours......on the phone to their friends. B. Within minutes of being introduced they were......away like old friends. C. What were you......about? 9. A. They take advantage of recent advances in medical.......to cure diseases. B. Why don't we make use of this modern......? C. The company has invested in the latest......... 10 A. If you are not satisfied with your..........we will give you a full refund. B. She tried to get a......on the slippery rock. C. Please ensure that you......your ticket in advance.

2 câu trả lời

1. satisfy: thỏa mãn

2. quality: chất lượng

3. marched: diễu hành

4. targeted: được nhắm mục tiêu

dark: tối

6. acceptable: có thể chấp nhận được

7. polite: lịch sự

8. addressed: giải quyết

9. embraced: ôm hôn

10. appearance: xuất hiện

1. satisfy

2. quality

3. marched

4. targeted

5. dark

6. acceptable

7. polite

8. addressed

9. embraced

10. appearance

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