II.Circle the best conjunction to complete the sentences. 1.After getting up, I washed my face, brushed my teeth,………..combed my hair.     (A) Or   (B) and     (C) but       (D) because   2.   I did not go to the show ______ I had already seen it.     (A) until   (B) because     (C) so       (D) but   3.   Mary is a member of the Historical Society ______ the Literary Society.     (A) as   (B) or     (C) and       (D) but   4.   Read over your answers ______ correct all mistakes before you pass them up.     (A) or   (B) and     (C) because       (D) while   5.   Keep the food covered ______ the flies will contaminate it.     (A) or   (B) and     (C) until       (D) though   6.   ______ he is thin, he is strong.     (A) But   (B) As     (C) Though       (D) Because   7.   Susie ______ phoned ______ wrote after she left home.     (A) either,  or   (B) neither,  nor     (C) while,  and       (D) though,  or   8.   She had an unpleasant experience ______ she was in Thailand.     (A) but       (B) and       (C) because       (D) while   9.   The committee rejected the proposal ______ they did not think it was practical.     (A) or       (B) but       (C) though       (D) because   10.   John welcomed his guests ______ offered them drinks.     (A) and       (B) while       (C) until       (D) as

2 câu trả lời

1. B

2. B

3. C

4. B

5. A

6. C

7. B

8. D

9. D

10. A











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