II. Choose only ONE correct answer to fill in each sentence to complete these pairs of sentences, using the Future Simple, the Future continuous or the Future Perfect. 1. A: will being B: will be C: will have been a: I .................................................... in London next year, still doing the same old job. b: I ................................................................ in London for ten years by next June. 2. A: will have finish B: will be finishing C: will finish a: By Friday, I .......................................................... this new book by Marquez. b: If I don’t have too much work this year, I think I ..................................... all of Marquez’s novels. 3. A: will have slept B: will be sleeping C: will sleep a: Don’t make too much noise after midnight – I ................................................. soundly, I hope. b: Wake me up by nine o’clock – I ............................................. long enough by then. 4. A: will have flown B: will be flying C: will fly a: We .................................................... to Australia later this summer. It’s a long flight. b: It’s strange that when we get to Sydney, we ........................................ half way round the world. 5. A: will be driving B: will drive C: will have driven a: Look, I can give you a lift to the station – I .......................................................... that way anyway. b: You’ll be late for your train – I .......................................................... you to the station if you like.

2 câu trả lời

1b-c, 2a-c, 3b-a, 4b-c, 5a-b

1, a will be

b will have been

2, a will have finished

b will finish

3, a will sleep

b will have slept

4, a will be flying

b will have flown

5 a will be driving

b will drive

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