I. Complete the interview. Use the future simple (will), future continuous or future perfect of the verbs in brackets. Interviewer: Professor: Interviewer: Professor: Today we’re talking to Professor Marjorie Brown about life in the future. Let’s start with homes. Professor, what will our homes be like? Well, they might not look very different from homes today but (0) ...there will certainly be... (there / certainly / be) differences. In twenty years’ time homes (1) ................................................................ (become) smaller. This is because more and more people (2) ................................................................ (live) in crowded cities. However, designers (3) ............................................................... (undoubtedly / find) ways of making small homes more comfortable. For example, the homes of the future (4) ................................................................ (have) walls that can be moved so that space can be used in different ways. Scientists (5) ................................................................ (also / invent) glass that can change from transparent to black. Transparent glass lets light and heat in and out. Black glass keeps it in. This (6) ............................................................. (help) us to control the temperature of our homes. (7) ....................................................... (there / be) any other changes to the way we live? Yes, one major change. Experts predict that by 2024 humans (8) ........................................ (live) on the moon. One can only imagine what homes there (9) ........................................ (look) like! And I think that by then many of us (10) ................................................... (take) at least one holiday in space and maybe even to the moon. Imagine that.

1 câu trả lời

1. will become

2. are living

3. have undoubtedly found

4. will have

5. have also invented

6. helps

7. Will there be

8. will have lived

9. look

10. will have taken

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