Hoàn thành đoạn hội thoại với những động từ cho sẵn dưới đây ở thì Hiện tại đơn hoặc thì Hiện tại tiếp diễn sao cho phù hợp. , Take (x2), start (x2), leave, go, do, depart ,get ,come The big day A: Have you heard of Brad and Mimi? B: Brad and Mimi? What’s happened? A: They (1) ______________ married on Saturday? B: You’re joking. I didn’t know that Mimi fancied Brad. When (2) _________________ the wedding __________ place? A: It (3) ___________ place on Saturday. Didn’t you listen to me? B: Of course I did. But what time (4) ____ it __________? A: The wedding ceremony (5) ___________ at 11 o’clock in the All Saints church. B: (6) _______ you ____________? A: Yes, I am. They’ve invited me. B: Do you think I could join you? A: Why not? I’m sure the church is going to be full. But I (7) ______________ early in the morning because my dad (8) ___________________ to work by car on Saturday and he can take me to the All Saints. B: If your dad doesn’t mind _________________ A: No problem. The more, the merrier, he always says. By the ways, (9) ______ you _________- anything tomorrow morning? We could buy some present for them. B: Good idea. We can get the bus to the Macy’s shopping Gallery. It (10) ____________________ at 9.35. A: All right. See you at the bus stop. Bye. A: Bye-bye.

2 câu trả lời

1. are going to getting

2. does the wedding take place

3. is taking

4. does it start 

5. starts 

6. Will you come

7. have to leave

8. goes

9. are you doing

10. departs

`1.` are going to getting

`2.` does the wedding take place

`3.` is taking

`4.` does it start 

`5.` starts 

`6.` Will you come

`7.` have to leave

`8.` goes

`9.` are you doing

`10.` departs

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