hãy viet một bức thư mời đi chơi để cam on bằng tiếng a

2 câu trả lời

Dear friend.......(tên của người bạn muốn gửi)

Thank you for your beautiful present.I realy love it.It's a long time that we have not seen each other.I want to invite you to go a .......... (địa điểm mà bạn muốn hẹn) with me on ......... (thời gian,VD:on Monday ; this weekend)I am looking forward to your response.

Happy new year friend!

Your friend.......(tên của người viết thư)

Dear my (....) club!

It's a long time when we have a picnic together and now I think we will celebrate a trip to somewhere far away.Are you accept?This trip will take from our house to Da Nang.We get there by plane,it's exciting because we fly on the same plane.After we exit the airport ,we will go to a hotel named "Dragchil" and relax.In the afternoon,we will go to the beach and swim.This trip will be take 3 days .

I hope all of the members will enjoy it.

Your captain!(ten)


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