Give the correct form of the words in capital to complete the sentences. (10 points) 1. It is ____________to go hiking in this area. (DANGER) 2. Ha Long Bay is number one ____________ wonder in Vietnam. (NATURE) 3. Mary is the ____________ of the English speaking club in my class. (LEAD) 4. Big cities in Vietnam are too busy and ___________ (POLLUTE) 5. Hoi An is a _____city with a lot of old houses, shops and buildings. (HISTORY) 6. My trip to Phong Nha Ke Bang is ___________ experience. (FORGET) 7. There are many ______________ festivals in Vietnam. (TRADITION) 8. We should eat less fast food or junk food because they are _____ (HEALTH) 9. Visitors come to Hue because there are many tourist __________ (ATTRACT) 10. Thousands of people were made ________by the earthquake in Indonesia. (HOME)

1 câu trả lời

1. dangerous(adj) nguy hiểm.

2. natural(adj) [thuộc] tự nhiên, [thuộc] thiên nhiên.

3. leader(n) người dẫn đầu.

4. polluted (adj) bị ô nhiễm

5. historic(adj) có tính chất lịch sử, nổi tiếng trong lịch sử

6. unforgettable(adj): không thể nào quên, đáng nhớ

7. traditional(adj) theo truyền thống; cổ truyền

8. unhealthy(adj) không tốt cho sức khỏe

9. attraction(n) sự thu hút

10. homeless(adj) không nhà cửa, vô gia cư

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