Giúp nốt mình câu này luôn nhé ! ĐỀ 5 I. Choose the best answer (A,B,C or D) to complete the sentences: (3.5ms) 1. My house was……. yesterday​​ A. paint​ ​B. painting​​C. to paint​​D. painted 2. The boy………...the bicycle is Nam A. repaired ​​B. repairing​​C. repair​​D. to repair 3. We study hard…next exam A. in order to pass ​B. in order pass ​C so as pass ​​D. so not as to pass 4. Would you mind……..the door?​​ A. close​​B closes.​​C. closing​​D closed 5. I…..the floor when the phone rang A. is cleaning ​B. clean ​​C. cleaned ​​D. was cleaning 6. Nga told Nhi how…….there ​ A. go​​​B. going​​C. to go​​D. went 7. Viet Nam is a rice-……. country​​ A. export​​B. exporting​​C exported.​​D. exports II. Read the passage bellow and choose the best answer (A,B,C or D) ( 1.5ms) The bicycle is a cheap and clean way to travel. The first bicycle was made (8)…….one hundred and fifty years ago . At first, bicycle were expensive. Only rich people (9)……one. These early bicycles look very different from the ones we have today. Later, when bicycles became (10)……., many people bought one. People started riding bicycle to work and in their free time 8. A. in​​B. at​​​C. about​​D. on 9. A. buy​ B. could buy​​C. can buy​ D. buying 10.A.​cheapest​B. expensive​​C. cheaper​​D.​cheap III. Read the passage and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for each question. (2ms) Every year people in many countries learn English. Some of them are young children. Others are teenagers. Many are adults. Some learn at school. Others study by themselves. A few learn English just by hearing the language in films, on television, in the office or among their friends. Most people must work hard to learn English. Why do all these people learn English? It’s not difficult to answer this question. Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their objects. Many adults learn English because it’s useful for their work 11. What do people in many countries learn every year? A. History​​​​​B. Math​​​ C. English​​​​​D. Literature 12. Where do many boys and girls learn English? A. on television​​​​B. at school​​​ C. in films​​​​​D. in the office 13. Do most people learn English by working hard on the lessons? A. Yes, they do​​​​B. No, they don’t​​ C. Yes, they are​​​​D. B. No, they aren’t 14. Why do adults learn English? A. Because it is one of their subjects​​B. Because it is one of their hobbies​​ C. Because it is useful for their work​​D. Because it is not useful for their work IV. Choose the best sentence(A,B,C or D) for the mixing words. (1m) 15. the/ yesterday/ see/ did/ contest/ you/ fire-making? A. Did the fire-making contest see you yesterday ? B. Did you see the contest fire-making yesterday ? C. Did you see the fire-making contest yesterday ? D. Did you see fire-making the contest yesterday ? 16. going /Thanh /to /to /always /the light/ bed/ forgetting/ off/ before/ is/ turn. A.Thanh is always turn off to forgetting the light before going to bed. B. Thanh is always forgetting to turn off the light before going to bed. ​ C. Thanh is always going to bed before forgetting to turn off the light. ​ D. Thanh always is forgetting to turn off the light before going to bed. V. Choose the sentence (A,B,C or D) that is written most correctly. (1m) 17. My mother/ show/ where/ buy/ groceries. A. My mother showed me where buy groceries.​ B. My mother showed me where buying groceries. C. My mother showed me where bought groceries.​ D. My mother showed me where to buy groceries. 18. I/ delighted/ daughter/ pass/ English exam. A. I am delighted that my daughter passed the English exam.​ B. I delighted that my daughter passed the English exam. C. I am delighted how my daughter passed the English exam. D. I am delighted where my daughter passed the English exam. VI. Choose the sentence (A,B,C or D) that is closest in meaning to the printed one. (1m) 19. Can I borrow your dictionary? A. Do you mind if I borrow your dictionary?​​​ B. Would you mind if I borrow your dictionary?​ C. Do you mind borrowing your dictionary?​​​ D. Would you mind borrowing your dictionary?​ 20. John said,” I certainly hope it won’t rain tomorrow” A. John said he certainly hope it wouldn’t rain the next day B. John said he certainly hoped it wouldn’t rain tomorrow C. John said he certainly hoped it wouldn’t rain the day before D. John said he certainly hoped it wouldn’t rain the next day

1 câu trả lời

c1 A 

C2 D 

C3 B

C4 D

C5 B 

C 6 D

C7  B 

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