GIUP MIK VS, MIK SE CAM ON VA VOTE DAY DU NHA, THANKS MN I. Rewrite the following sentences so that their meaning stays the same, using the words There was a loud noise next to my door last night, so I couldn’t sleep. → Because ………………………………………………………………… 2. Tornadoes can move objects as big as a car. → Objects………………………………………………………………….. 3. Your parents are happy because you behave yourself well. → If ……………………………………………………………………….. 4. They provided food then cleared up the debris. → After ……………………………………………………………………. 5. I don’t have free time , so I can’t go some where. → If I ………………………………………………………………………... 6. I don’t know the answer, so I can’t tell you. → If …………………………………………….………………………….. 7. They will do the test well. They will review them all hard. → If………………………………………………………………………… 8. The rescue workers evacuated the villagers in the raged flood to the safe place last night. → The villagers in the raged flood…………………………………………. 9. The students will provide aids for the homeless people tomorrow. → Aids……………………………………………………………………… The people will protect the environment now. The environment will be nicer. → If ………………………………………………………………………… 11. They don’t have a map, so they got lost → If…………………………………………………………………………. 12. The storm destroyed many houses in this village last week. → Many houses……………………………………………………………..................................... 13. Someone has stolen by bicycle. → My bicycle ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 14. If he doesn’t work hard, he will not pass his exam. → Unless ……………………………………………………………………. II. REWRITE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES, USING THE WORDS IN BRACKETS. 1. The noise from the music club is loud, so the residents of the street cannot sleep. (because of ) → .................................................................................................................................................... 2. Vy had a stomachache because she ate a big dinner. (since) → .................................................................................................................................................... 3. Because it rained heavily, the road in front of my house was flooded. (due to) → ...................................................................................................................................................... 4. His room is untidy, so his mother is unhappy. (because) → ....................................................................................................................................................... 5. Global warming happens when there is too much carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere. (causes) → ....................................................................................................................................................... III. COMBINE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES USING THE WORDS IN BRACKETS. 1. Noise pollution happens. There is a change in animals’ living pattern. (causes) → ..................................................................................................................................................... 2. Radioactive pollution is very dangerous. It can cause abnormal growth. (since) → .................................................................................................................................................... 3. The area is uninhabitable. The Chernobyl nuclear accident happened. (made) → ...................................................................................................................................................... 4. Fossil fuels such as coal or oil are burned. Acid gases are produced. (so) → ....................................................................................................................................................... 5. Acid rain is dangerous. Trees’ leaves are damaged. (because of) → ....................................................................................................................................................... 6. Leaves are damaged. The tree cannot get enough food energy to stay healthy. (because) → ......................................................................................................................................................... IV. Find the words that need correcting. 1. Hundreds of houses destroyed after a tornado hit the small town of Texas. A B C D 2. The earthquake occurred at midday when many people had had lunch. A B C D 3. Water pollute in the lake has made the fish die. A B C D. 4. Factorieswon’t dump waste into rivers if the government will fine them heavily. A B C D

2 câu trả lời

1. Because there was a loud ....last night, I cold not sleep.

2. Objects can be moved as big as a car by tornadoes.

3. If you behave yourself well, your parents are happy.

4. They cleared up the debris after providing food.

5. If I had free time, I could go some where.

6. If I knew the answer, I could tell you.

7. If they review them all hard, they will do the test well.

8. The villagers in the raged flood were evacuated to the safe place by the rescue workers last night.

9. Aids will be provided for the homeless people by the students tomorrow.

10. If people protect environment now, the environment will be nicer.

11. If they had a map, they would not have got lost.

12. Many houses were destroyed in this village by the storm last week.

13. My bicycle has been stolen.

14. Unless he works hard, he will not pass his exam.


1.  Because of the loud noise from the music club, the residents...

2. Vy had...stomachache since she...big dinner.

3. Due to the heavy rain, the road...flooded.

4. Because it...heavily, his mother...unhappy.

5. Too much carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) in the atmosphere causes global warming.


1. Noise pollution causes a change in animals' living pattern. 

2. Radoactive pollution...dangerous since it...growth.

3. The uninhabitable area made The Chernobyl nuclear accident happen.

4. Fossil fuels..., so Acid...produced.

5. Trees' leaves are damaged because of the dangerous of acid rain.

6. The tree...healthy because leaves are damaged.


1. destroyed -> were destroyed

2. had had -> had been having

3. pollute -> pollutant

4. will fine -> fines

1. Because there was a loud noise next to my doorlast night, I could not sleep.

2. Objects can be moved as big as a car by tornadoes.

3. If you behave yourself well, your parents will happy.

4. They cleared up the debris after providing food.

5. If I have free time, I will go some where.

6. If I knew the answer, I will tell you.

7. If they review them all hard, they will do the test well.

8. The villagers in the raged flood were evacuated to the safe place by the rescue workers last night.

9. Aids will be provided for the homeless people by the students tomorrow.

10. If people protect environment now, the environment will be nicer.

11. If they have a map, they will not have got lost.

12. Many houses were destroyed in this village by the storm last week.

13. My bicycle has been stolen.

14. Unless he works hard, he will not pass his exam.


1.  Because of the loud noise from the music club, the residents...

2. Vy had...stomachache since she...big dinner.

3. Due to the heavy rain, the road...flooded.

4. Because it...heavily, his mother...unhappy.

5. Too much carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) in the atmosphere causes global warming.


1. Noise pollution causes a change in animals' living pattern. 

2. Radoactive pollution...dangerous since it...growth.

3. The uninhabitable area made The Chernobyl nuclear accident happen.

4. Fossil fuels..., so Acid...produced.

5. Trees' leaves are damaged because of the dangerous of acid rain.

6. The tree...healthy because leaves are damaged.


1. destroyed -> were destroyed

2. had had -> had been having

3. pollute -> pollutant

4. will fine -> fines

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