Finish the second sentences so that it has the same meaning as the first one. 1, She doesn't live in London because she doesn't know anyone there. ->She _______________________________ 2, I can't live in the country because I can't fine a job there.

2 câu trả lời

1) She doesn't live in London because she doesn't know anyone there. 

$→$ She doesn't know anyone in London, so she doesn't live there.

2) I can't live in the country because I can't fine a job there.

$→$ I can't find a job in the country, so I can't live there.

1. She doesn't know anyone in London, so she doesn't live there.

(Cô ất không biết ai ở London, nên cô ấy không sống ở đó)

2. I can't find a job in the country, so I can't live there.

(Tôi không thể tìm 1 công việc ở nông thôn, nên tôi không thể sống ở đó)

Cấu trúc: Mệnh đề 1: chỉ lí do, + SO + Mệnh đề 2 chỉ kết quả

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