Finish the second sentences so that it has the same meaning as the first one. 1, He crashed his car because he was driving too fast. → Because of _________________________________________ 2, Steven went to the shopping center last Sunday because he needed a new laptop. → Because of _________________________________________ 3, Pam and her parents want to visit the city zoo because they want to see the baby panda. → Because of _________________________________________ 4, More and more people get to work late every day because the traffic in the city center is so heavy. → Because of _________________________________________ 5, It's difficult to breathe in this industrial area because there is smoke from the factories. → Because of _________________________________________ 6, We would like to go to the cinema this Saturday because there is a nice animation for kids. → Because of _________________________________________ 7, Nowadays teenagers gain weight or become obese because they prefer fast food to healthy home cooked food. → Because of _________________________________________

2 câu trả lời

1. Because of (his) driving too fast, he crashed his car.

2. Because of needing a new laptop, Steven went to the shopping center last Sunday.

3. Because of wanting to see the baby panda, Pam and her parents want to visit the city zoo.

4. Because of the too heavy traffic in the city center, more and more people get to work late every day.

5. Because of the smoke from the factories, it's difficult to breathe in this industrial area.

6. Because of the nice animation for kids, we would like to go to the cinema this Saturday.

7. Because of prefering fast food to healthy home cooked food, the teenagers gain weight or become obese.

Because of+ Ving/ adj +N, Mệnh đề

1. because of driving too fast, he crashed his car

2. because of being needed a new laptop, Steven went to the shopping center last Sunday

3. because of wanting to see the baby panda, Pam and her parents want to visit the city zoo

4. because of the traffic in the city center is so heavy, more and more people get to work late every day

5. because of the smoke from the factories, it's difficult to breathe in this industrial area

6. because of a nice animation for kids, we would like to go to the cinema this Saturday

7. because of the teenagers prefer fast food to healthy home cooked food, they gain weight or become obese

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