Finish the second sentences so that it has the same meaning as the first one, using the word(s) given in the bracket. The word(s) cannot be changed in any way. 1, Because there is a lot of smoke, the air is polluted. (makes) -> The ____________________________________ polluted 2, He behaved badly, so they were a little impatient. (to) -> His bad behavior __________________________ impatience 3, Because the fan was broken, it was uncomfortable to be in the room . (discomfort) -> The broken fan _______________________ in the room. 4, They have to work hard, so they don't feel happy about their work. (them) -> Their__________________________________ unhappy.

2 câu trả lời

1, the smoking makes the air polluted

2, his bad behavior leads to them impatient.

3, the broken fan makes us discomfort in the room.

4, their hard-working don't make them happy about their work.

1. Because there is a lot of smoke,make the air polluted

2.His bad behavior to them so they were a little impatience

3.The broken fan so fell discomfort in the room.

4.their job is very hard so they feel unhappy

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