Finish the second sentences so that it has the same meaning as the first one. 1, Because it rained heavily, we couldn't go out. -> Due to ________________ 2, We had to stay at home because the weather was terrible. -> Due to ________________ 3, Because the city is seriously polluted, people's health is at risk . ->Because of _______________________ 4, The roads are noisy, so we cannot have a good sleep. ->Because of _______________________ 5, He bahaved badly, so they were a little impatient. -> Due to his ________________ 6, Because the time is limited, we have to finish the work as quickly as possible. -> Because of _______________________

2 câu trả lời

1: Due to heavily rain, we couldn't go out

2: Due to terrible weather, we had to stay at home

3: Because of the polluted city, people's health is at risk

4: Because of the noisy road, we cannot have a good sleep

5: Due to his badly behaviour, they were a little impatient

6: Because of the limited time, we have to finish the work as quickly as possible

1. Due to the heavy rain, we couldn't go out

2. Due to the terrible weather, we had to stay at home

3. Because of the seriously polluted city, people's health is at risk

4. Because of the noisy raods, we cannot have a good sleep

5. Due to his bad behavior, they were little impatient

6. Because of the limited time, we have to finish the work as  quickly as possible

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