Finish the second sentences so that it has the same meaning as the first one. 1, Because she has an injured leg, she cannot participate in the event. -> Due to ________________ 2, They couldn't make a sensible decision beacause they were under pressure. -> Due to ________________ 3, Because my father didn't hear me, he didn't make a single response. ->Because of _______________________ 4, They equip their house with noise resistant windows because they have to deal with noise pollution. ->Because of _______________________ 5, They were help up in the traffic for a long time, so they were a little impatient. -> Due to ________________ 6, Because they are not old enough, they cannot drive a car. ->Because of _______________________

2 câu trả lời

1. Due to her injured leg, she cannot participate in the event

2. Due to the fact that they were under pressure, they couldn't make a sensible decision 

3. Because of not hearing me, my father didn't make a single respone

4. Because of having to deal with  noise pollution, they equip their house with noise resistant winodews

5. Due to the fact that they were helped up in the traffic for a long time, they were a little impatient

6. Because of not being old enough, they cannot drive a car

1, due to being injured leg, she cannot ....

2, due to being under pressure, they couldn't....

3, because of the fact that my father didn't hear me, ...

4, because of the fact that they have to deal with noise pollution, they ....

5, due to being impatient, they were...

6, because of the fact that they are not old enough,...

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