Finish the second sentences so that it has the same meaning as the first one. 1, Because there is a lot of smoke, the air is polluted. ->Because of _______________________ 2, Because there was an accident, the traffic was block. ->Because of _______________________ 3, She cannot go out tonight because she has a great deal of homework. ->Because of _______________________ 4, Because there have been changes in the temperature of water, the living pattern of the marine animals have changed. -> Due to ________________ 5, They are in a difficult situation, so they have to consult their professor. -> Due to ________________ 6, The flight will be put off until 8a.m because there is thick fog. -> Due to ________________

2 câu trả lời

1. Because of a lot of smoke, the air is polluted

2. Because lf an accident, the traffic was block

3. Because lf having a great deal of honework, she cannot go out tonight

4. Due to the temperature of water's changes, the living pattern of the marine animals have changed

5. Due to the difficult situation, they have to consult their professor

6. Due to the thick fog, the flight will be put off until 8 a.m

1.Because of smoke, the air is polluted

2.Because of an accident, the traffic was block

3.Because of her great deal of homework, she cannot go out tonight 

4.Due to changes in the temperature of water, the living pattern of the marine animals have changed. 

5.Due to being in a difficult situation, they have to consult their professor.

6.Due to thick fog,the flight will be put off until 8a.m 

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