Fill in each blank with the correct present or future passive verb from the verbs given in the box --------------------------------------------------------------------- Plant publish cause use show sweep speak Make cover destroy --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Many accidents ......... by dangerous driving 2. Milions of trees ........ by forest fires every years . 3. Films ..... in the cinima . 4. How many languages ...... in canada. 5. His best novels ..... next year 6. MOST of the earth's surface ....... by water . 7. Young tress ..... in the school garden by the eighth-form Students every summer. 8. Glass ..... from sand. 9. The class room ..... carefully by the students every days. 10. This laboratory ..... for doing eperiments very often. ( giải nhanh ạ mai nộp rồi ) * ăn tết h k nhớ cách lm

2 câu trả lời

1, are caused

2, are destroyed

3, are showed

4, are spoken

5, are published

6, are covered

7, are planted

8, is made

9, is swept

10, is used

Fill in each blank with the correct present or future passive verb from the verbs given in the box ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Plant   publish   cause   use   show   sweep   speak    Make   cover   destroy ---------------------------------------------------------------------

1. Many accidents ......... by dangerous driving ( are caused vì có by => bị động và accidents => are)

2. Milions of trees ........ by forest fires every years .( are destroyed, every years=> present)

3. Films ..... in the cinima . ( are shown => được chiếu )

4. How many languages ...... in canada. ( are spoken  )

5. His best novels ..... next year ( will be publised => được xuất bản, next year )

6. MOST of the earth's surface ....... by water . ( is covered, => được bao phủ)

7. Young tress ..... in the school garden by the eighth-form Students every summer. ( are planted, every summer=> present)

8. Glass ..... from sand. ( is made => được làm từ )

9. The class room ..... carefully by the students every days.( is swept=> được quét )

10. This laboratory ..... for doing eperiments very often. ( is used => bị động )

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