EXERCISE :Choose the underlined part in each sentence (A, B, C, or D ) that needs correcting. 1. After Mrs. Wang had returned(A) to her house(B) from work(C), she was cooking (D)dinner. 2. Jimmy threw(A) the ball high (B)in the air, and Betty catching (C)it when(D) it came down. 3. Linda has worn(A) her new yellow(B) dress only once(C )since she buys(D) it. 4. Last week Mark told(A) me that he got (B)very bored with his present job and is looking(C) for a new one.(D) 5. Having fed(A) the dog, he was sat (B)down to(D) his own (D)meal. 6. When I turned on my computer, I was shocked(A) to find(B) some junk mail, And(C) I delete (D)it all. 7. They are going to have to(A) leave soon(B) and so do(C) we.(D) 8. The boss laughed when the secretary has told(A) him that she really(B) needed(C) a pay rise.(D 9. The telephone rang several times(A) and then(B) stop(C) before I could(D) answer it. 10. Debbie, whose father (A)is an excellent tennis player(B), has been (C)playing tennis since(D) ten years. 11. I have seen (A)lots (B)of interesting (C)places when I went(D) on holiday last summer. 12. When my cat heard(A) a noise in the bushes, she stopped moving(B) and listen (C)intently.(D) 13. I think(A) it’s time you change (B)your way of(C) living.(D) 14. Roger felt the outside(A) of his pocket to make(B) sure his(C) wallet is still (D)there. 15. When I’m shopping (A)in the supermarket, I ran into(B) an old friend who I hadn’t met(C) for(D) five years. 16. The police (A)arrested the man while(B) he is having(C) dinner in (D)a restaurant. 17. Peter and Wendy first(A) met in 2006(B), and they are (C)married for three years now.(D) 18. Some(A) people are believing(B) there is life on(C) other(D) planets. 19 . Every morning, the sun shines(A) in my bedroom window(B) and waking(C) me up.(D) 20. The man died as(A) a result of falling (B)asleep(C) while he drives.(D)

2 câu trả lời

11. A had seen
12. C listened
15. C haven't met
16.C had

17.C marri

18C in

19.C wake

20.D drived

Chúc bạn hok tốt !! 

1. D cooked
2. C catched
3. D bought
4. C was looking
6. D deleted
11. A had seen
12. C listened
15. C haven't met

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