Ex5: put the verbs in brackets into the corect from. (chia V trong ngoặc ở dạng thức đúng) Gợi ý: dùng điều kiện loại 1 hoặc 2) 1>If you(send) this letter now,she(receive) it tomorrow. 2>Kate(go) shopping if she(have) time in the affernoon. 3>She (spend) a year in the USA if it (be) easier to get a year card. 4>If her boy friend (phone/not) today ,she (leave) him. 5>If you (go) by bike more often,you (be/not) so flabby. 6>If he (have) more time,he (eam) karate. 7>He (not buy) so much clothes if he (not have) . 8>If I (play) the lottery yesterday,I (have) a chance to hit the jackpot. 9>If I (be) rich,my life (change) completely. 10> I (invite) all my friends if I (have) a house by the beach.

1 câu trả lời

1.send/will receive

2.would go/had

3.will spend/is

4.isn't phone/will live


6.had/would eam

7.wouldn't buy/hadn't

8.played/would have

9.were/would change

10.invite/will have

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