Ex1: Complete the text with the verbs in the box using the pastcontinuous tense rain/ read/ hold/ wear/ eat/ sleep/ bark/ walk/ drink/ sit It was exactly nine o'clock. Outside, it was raining. We (1) ………….......... our books in the living room, and our 6-year-old twins (2) ……………............ quietly in their bedroom. My husband (3) ……………................. a cup of tea, and I (4) ………........……............ a magazine. Our 15-year-old daughter (5) ………................. towards the door. She (6) ………......……............ her light blue raincoat and she (7) ……………............... an umbrella. She (8) ……..........………... a chocolate bar. Our cats (9) …….......….……beside her, and our dogs (10) ……..…......……loudly. It was a normal evening. Suddenly, two men jumped through the window!

2 câu trả lời

1) were reading

2) were sleeping

3) was drinking

4) was reading

5) was walking

6) was wearing

7) was holding

8) was eating

9) were sitting

10) were barking


1/ was reading

2/ were sleeping

3/ was drinking

4/ was reading

5/ was sitting

6/ was wearing

7/ was holding

8/ was eating

9/ were walking

10/ were barking


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