Ex1: Change into directed speech 1.”Don’t play games too much” I said to him I 2.”Drive your car carefully” He said to me He 3.”Did you do the housework last night?” I said to him I 4. “My mother will teach English” she said to us She 5.”You should drink water every day” She said to me She advised

1 câu trả lời

1. I asked him not to play games too much.

CT: ask sb to V: bảo ai làm gì

2. He asked me to drive my car carefully.

CT: ask sb to V: bảo ai làm gì

3. I asked him if he had done the housework the previous night.

CT: S+asked+O+if+S+V(lùi thì)

4. She said to us her mother would teach English.

CT: Quy tắc chuyển từ trực tiếp sang gián tiếp. 
B1: lùi thi trong câu gián tiếp về quá khứ. (was=>had been)
B2: chuyển ĐTSH, TTSH,... sao cho phù hợp.
B3: chuyển các trạng từ nơi chốn và thời gian 

5. She advised me t drink water every day.

CT: advise sb to V: khuyên ai làm gì.


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