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When it comes to adorable Kangaroo animals, everyone envisions in their heads that Australia is beautiful. Australia is one of the oldest lands in the world and has been inhabited since. more than 60000 years. The continent was once home to most Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, who later came to occupy European settlements. Australia's multicultural society today includes Aboriginal people residents, Torres Strait Islander residents and immigrants from over 200 countries around the world. Ancient Aboriginal traditions and multiculturalism are reflected in the rich cultural diversity and artistic forms present in the country. The quality of life of Australians is ranked as one of the highest countries in the world. The clean natural environment and health, education and lifestyle services have made Australia an attractive place to live. With its majestic natural environment, a rich indigenous historical culture, Australia's impressive multicultural, food and wine communities make it a popular tourist destination in the world. The tourism industry has become the largest contributor to the nation's services exports. English is Australia's primary language but more than 4.1 million Australians are able to speak a second language, so the Australian workforce is able to work in both European and business environments. Asia, which has attracted many foreign companies to invest in Australia and set up its headquarters there, is a country with low crime rates and strict gun control laws. This has helped Australia to have a safe living environment. Because the political crisis is almost non-existent, your study will be less likely to be interrupted, or affect academic achievement.

The Australian people are very open and friendly. By living with Australian families, many international students have the opportunity to explore the family life of indigenous people in a friendly and natural environment. Therefore, Australia has attracted many international students to study, live and work in this beautiful country.

 Australia is a continent and it is also a country of its own. Australia is located between the South Pacific and Indian Oceans. Australia is often called, "the land down under," because it lies entirely within the southern hemisphere. In Latin, Australia means "southern." The official name of the country is "the Commonwealth of Australia." Australia is surrounded by water like an island, but geographers classify it as a continent rather than an island because of its great size. Australia covers about 5% of earth's land area. Most of Australia is low and flat, the highest and most mountainous land lies along the east coast. Nearly all the land west of this region consists of level plains and plateaus. At one time, all the continents were part of one huge land mass. Australia became separated from this landmass about 200 million years ago. As a result, its animals developed differently from those on other continents. Australia's most famous native animals include kangaroos, koalas, wallabies, wombats, and other marsupials.

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