Complete the sentencs with these words. The words in bold will help you. credit dismal overnight recipe remarkable rise strongest turn-up unbelievable useful 1. Unfortunately, his attempt to start a business was a ... failure and ended in bankruptcy. (dismal là mình đoán. Nếu sai thì mn sửa giúp mình vs) 2. Puttung Ryan in charge of sales is a ... for disaster - you know how incompetent he is! 3. Leicester City's triumph in the 2015-2016 football Premire League was a ... achievement. 4. The meeting was productive and all the team members made ... contributions to the discussion. 5. James Fernandez became an ... success when his song became a massive online hit. 6. The reality star's precipitous ... to fame was followed by an equally sudden downfall. 7. Winning a prize in the photography competition was a ... for the books and ultimately led to her pursuing photography as a career. 8. Aidan is a ... to you both; he's one of our top students. 9. Wih a new management team, this organisation has made an ... turnaround over the last year and is st to make a profit next year. 10. As we're in agreement over who the ... candidate is, shall we invite Mr Peters to join our firm at the earliest opportunity? (Câu này mình làm là strongest mà ko biết đúng ko)

2 câu trả lời

1. dismal

2. credit




6. recipe

7. rise

8. turn-up

9. overnight

10. strongest

Complete the sentencs with these words. The words in bold will help you. credit dismal overnight recipe remarkable rise strongest turn-up unbelievable useful

1. Unfortunately, his attempt to start a business was a dismal  failure and ended in bankruptcy. 

2. Puttung Ryan in charge of sales is a credit for disaster - you know how incompetent he is!

3. Leicester City's triumph in the 2015-2016 football Premire League was a remarkable a chievement.

4. The meeting was productive and all the team members made useful  contributions to the discussion.

5. James Fernandez became an unbelievable  success when his song became a massive online hit.

6. The reality star's precipitous  recipe to fame was followed by an equally sudden downfall.

7. Winning a prize in the photography competition was a rise for the books and ultimately led to her pursuing photography as a career.

8. Aidan is a turn-up  to you both; he's one of our top students.

9. Wih a new management team, this organisation has made an overnight turnaround over the last year and is st to make a profit next year.

10. As we're in agreement over who the strongest candidate is, shall we invite Mr Peters to join our firm at the earliest opportunity? 

@ Study_well !!!

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