Complete the sentences with the correct verb from in the bracket 1, If someone offered to buy you one of those rings, which (you/ choose) __________? 2, If the milkman (come) __________, tell him to leave two pints. 3, Someone (sit) __________ on your glasses if you leave them there. 4, What (you/ do) __________ if you hear the burglar alarm? 5, If he (try) __________ hard, he'll examination. 6, He never does homework. If he (do) __________ his homework, he (not/worry) __________ about his exam. 7, If you (go) __________ away, please write to me.

2 câu trả lời

1. would you choose

2. comes

3. will sit

4. will you do

5. tries

6. did...wouldn't worry

7. go


1.  Would you choose

2. Comes

3. Will sit

4. Will you do

5. Tries

6. Did - wouldn't worry

7. Go

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