Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in bracket. 1. Waste from households will gradually _______the lake. (contamination) 2. New Zealand is famous for the __________beauty of its mountains and forest (scenery) 3. The USA ___________its Independence Day on July 4th. (celebrate) 4. They get sick so often. If they exercised more, they _________healthier. (be) 5. Waste from households will gradually _______the lake. (contamination) VIII. Read the passage and choose the correct answer to each question . I live on the outskirts of a city in Viet Nam. Three years ago, my neighbourhood was very clean and beautiful, with paddy field and green trees. However, in the last two years, some factories have appeared in my neighbourhood. They have caused serious water pollution by dumping industrial waste in to the lake. The contaminated water has led to the death of aquatic animals and plants. Also, tall residential buildings have replaced the paddy fields. More people result in more cars and motorcycles poisonous fumes from these vehicles are serious air pollutants. 1. Who have caused serious water pollution? A. My neighbourhood B. Some factories C. Car and motorcycles fumes 2. What types of pollution are mentioned in the passage? A. Water pollution and noise pollution B. Noise pollution and air pollution C. Water pollution and air pollution 3. My neighbourhood was__________three years ago. A. Serious B. Polluted C. Clean and beautiful 4. What has replaced the paddy fields? A. Green trees B. Tall residential buildings C. Factories

2 câu trả lời




1.Waste from households will gradually contaminate the lake.

2.New Zealand is famous for the scene beauty of its mountains and forest.

3.The USA celebration its Independence Day on July 4th.

4.They get sick so often. If they exercised more, they will be healthier. 

5.Waste from households will gradually contaminate the lake.






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