• Complete the sentence with the correct form of the word in parentheses. 1. We had a four-day vacation in that coastal town. _____________________, it rained hard almost every day. (fortunate) 2. You can get all__________________ you need on the internet. (inform) 3. That region in the North of the country is very_____________________. (mountain) 4. “Does the price of the holiday include___________________?” I asked the tourist officer. (accommodate) 5. I was amazed by the___________________ of the scenery. (magnificent) 6. The hotel is located in the________________ district of the city. (center) 7. My hobbies ae traveling and _____________________. (photo) 8. He was ____________________ in having some good friend to help him. (fortune) 9. The new hotel can _________________ 600 guests at a time. (accommodation) 10. The table was placed____________________ with six nice chairs around. (center) 11. I think you are very__________________. You look very nice in these photos. (photo) 12. This dictionary is a little too expensive for me, but it is extremely______________. (inform) 13. There are ten______________ from Ha Noi to Ho Chi Minh City every day. (fly) 14. The _______________ institute in Nha Trang was built many years ago. (ocean) 15. His _________________ was quite unexpected. (depart) 16. Those people live in the _______________________ area. (mountain) 17. These regions have many ____________________ landscapes. (picture) 18. Stay with us until you can find your own ___________________. (accommodate) 19. My friend phoned to tell me the time of his _________________ in Ha Noi. (arrive) 20. Lan’s sister is a ___________________. She owns a flower shop in town. (flower)

2 câu trả lời

1 . unfortunately

2 . information

3 . mountainous

4 . accommodation

5 . magnificence

6 . central

7 . photography

8 . fortunate

9 . accommodate

10 . centrally

11 . photogenic

12 . informative

13 . flights

14 . oceanic

15 . departure

16 . mountainous

17 . picturesque

18 . accommodation

19 . arrival

20 . florist



• Complete the sentence with the correct form of the word in parentheses.
1. We had a four-day vacation in that coastal town. _______Unfortunately (không may là ) ________,

it rained hard almost every day. (fortunate)
2. You can get all________information (thông tin)__________ you need on the internet. (inform)
3. That region in the North of the country is very________mountainous _____________. (mountain)
4. “Does the price of the holiday include______accommodation (nơi ở )_____________?” I asked the tourist
officer. (accommodate)
5. I was amazed by the________magnificence (N, sự tráng lệ )___________ of the scenery. (magnificent)
6. The hotel is located in the______central (adj )__________ district of the city. (center)
7. My hobbies ae traveling and ________photography (nhiếp ảnh)_____________. (photo)
8. He was _______fortunate (adj )_____________ in having some good friend to help him. (fortune)
9. The new hotel can _____accommodate (v, chứa )____________ 600 guests at a time. (accommodation)
10. The table was placed________centrally____________ with six nice chairs around. (center)
11. I think you are very______arnhphotogenic ( ăn ảnh )_________. You look very nice in these photos.
12. This dictionary is a little too expensive for me, but it is extremely_____informative (adj )_________.
13. There are ten______flights________ from Ha Noi to Ho Chi Minh City every day. (fly)
14. The ______oceanic (adj)_________ institute in Nha Trang was built many years ago. (ocean)
15. His __________deparrture (N)_______ was quite unexpected. (depart)
16. Those people live in the _______moutainous________________ area. (mountain)
17. These regions have many ___________picturesque (adj)_________ landscapes. (picture)
18. Stay with us until you can find your own _______accommodation____________. (accommodate)
19. My friend phoned to tell me the time of his ______arrival (N)___________ in Ha Noi. (arrive)
20. Lan’s sister is a __________florist ( người bán hoa )_________. She owns a flower shop in town. (flower)

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