Complete each of the following sentences so that it means the same as the sentence before it 1.I don't have a spare ticket.I can't take you to concert -->If I................................................................................. 2.They don't understand the problem.They won't find a solution -->If they................................................................ 3.He sits around too much.He isn't fit -->If he............................................................................ 4.She's very thin;perhaps that's why she feels cold so much -->If she........................................................................... 5.He never polishes his shoes, so he never looks smart -->If he...................................................................... 6. He can' t park near his office; that' s why he doesn' t come by car --> If he......................................................................... 7.My house is guarded by two big dog. That 's the only reason it isn' t broken into every night --> If my house............................................................................ 8.I don't know her email address,so I can't tell you -->If I...................................................................................... 9.She works in the evening. She has no time to play with her children --> If she..................................................................................... 10.I don't want them to be upset, so I've decided not to tell them what happened -->They................................................................................. 11.He doesn't see signal so he doesn't stop his car -->If he................................................................................... 12.Peter gets bad marks because he doesn't prepare his lessons well -->If Peter..................................................................................... 13.Mary doesn't have enough money.She can't buy new car -->If Mary.................................................................................... 14.Go right now or you'll be late for the train -->If you............................................................................... 15.He doesn't apply for the job because he doesn't have enough qualifications -->If he....................................................................................... 16.Hurry up,or we will be late for the exam --> If we....................................................................................... 17.They do not understand you because you do not often talk to them -->If you....................................................................................... 18.Because you speak English unnaturally,they do not understand you -->If you............................................................................................. các cậu giúp mình làm mấy câu này với! cảm ơn nhiều

2 câu trả lời

1. had a spare ticket, I could take you to concert

2. understood the problem, they would find a solution

3. didn't sit around too mych, he would be fit

4. wasn't thin, she wouldn't feel cold so much

5. polished his shoes, he would look smart

6. could parked near his office, he would come by car

7. wasn't guarded by tow big dogs, it would be broken into every night

8. knew her email address, I could tell you

9. didn't work in the evening, she would have time to play with her children

10. they would be upset  if I told them what happened

11. saw signal, he would stop his car

12. prepared his lessons well, he wouldn't get bad marks

13. had enough money, he could buy new car

14. don't go right now, you'll be late for the train

15. had enough qualifications, he would apply for the job

16. don't hurry, we will be late for the exam

17. often talk to them, they will understand you

18. spoke english naturally, they would understand you

1. If I had a spare ticket, I’d take you to the concert.
2. If they understood the problem, they’d find the solution.
3. If he didn’t sit around too much, he’d be fit.
4. If she weren’t/wasn’t too thin, she wouldn’t feel cold so much.
5.If he polished his shoes, he’d look smart.
6. If he could park near his office, he’d come by car.
7. If my house were/was guarded by two big dogs, it’d be broken into every night.
8.If I knew her e-mail address, I could tell you.
9.If she didn’t work in the evening, she’d have time to play with her children.
10. They’d be upset if I told them what happened.
11. If he saw the signal, he’d stop his car.
12. If Peter prepared his lessons well, he wouldn’t get bad marks/would get good marks.
13. If Mary had enough money, she’d buy a new car.
14. If you don’t go right now, you’ll be late for the train.
15. If he had enough qualifications, he’d apply for the job.
16.If we don’t hurry, we’ll be late for the exam.

17.If you often talked to them, they’d understand you.
18. If you spoke English naturally, they’d understand you.

Study well!

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