combine each pair of these sentences: 1,was the hat very expensive ?you were wearing it yesterday 2. The restaurant always serves good food. We enjoy having dinner there. 3. The man is a teacher. You spoke to him in the street. 4. There is the lady. Her purse has been stolen. 5. Where is the man? He sold me these sun-glasses. 6.the paint on the seat is still are sitting on it 7,all the people have disliked him.i have ever met these people 8,her father has just returned.he has been to paris 9,bill wants to go out with me .we saw him at the dance 10.flies carry disease.they come mostly in the summer 21,swimming is a good makes people strong 22,grass is always green in eangland.cows and horse love it 23,air is made up of many gases.we breathe it 24,jackie chan is a famous actor.i know his sister well 25,the house needs mending.we are living in it 26,this tree should be cut down.the branches of the tree are dead 27,tell me the left the city for it 28,that river is not safe for swimming .its water is polluted 29,can you suggest the time?we'll meet at that time 30,mr johnson is going to spain.his daughter has been living there for 4 years

2 câu trả lời

1, the hat which you were wearing  yesterday was very expensive.

2. The restaurant where we enjoy having dinner always serves good food .

3. The man whom you spoke to in the street is a teacher. 

4. There is the lady whose purse has been stolen.

5. Where is the man who sold me these sun-glasses.?

6.the paint on the seat  which you are sitting on is still wet

7,all the people who I have ever met have disliked him

8,her father who has been to paris has just returned 

9,bill, whom we saw at the dance, wants to go out with me 

10.flies, which come mostly in the summer ,carry disease

21,swimming, which makes people strong, is a good sport

22,grass, which cows and horse love, is always green in england

23,air, which we breathe, is made up of many gases.

24,jackie chan. whose sister I know well, is a famous actor

25,the house which we are living in needs mending.

26,this tree whose branches are dead should be cut down.

27,tell me the reason why you left the city.

28,that river whose water is polluted is not safe for swimming 

29,can you suggest the time when we'll meet 

30,mr johnson, whose daughter has been living there for 4 years, is going to spain 

1, the hat which you were wearing yesterday was very expensive.

2, the restaurant in which we enjoy having dinner always serves good food.

3, tha man who you spoke to in the street is a teacher.

4, there is the lady whose purse has been stolen.

5, where is the man who sold me these sun-glasses?

6, the pain which you are sitting on on the seat is still wet.

7, all the people who i have ever met have disliked him.

8, her father who has been to paris has just returned.

9, bill who we saw at the dance wants to go out with me.

10, flies which come mostly in the summer carry disease.

21, swimming which makes people strong is a good sport 

22, grass which cows and horse love is always green in England.

23, air which we breathe is made up of many gases.

24, jackie chan who a famous actor whose sister i know well

25, the house in which we are living needs mending.

26, this tree whose the branches are dead should be cut down.

27, tell me the reason for which you left the city

28, that river whose water is polluted is not safe for swimming.

29, can you suggest the time at which we'll meet ?

30, mr, johnson whose daughter has been living there for 4 years is going to spain.

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