Chuyển thành câu bị động. 1. Miss Blake is one of the ____________ from Friends of the Earth.(represent) 2. We should ___________ plastic bags instead of throwing them away. (use) 3. Attractive ____________ can help to sell products. (package) 4. Reduce means not buying products which are ____________ . (overpackage) 5. Share your _____________ story with our readers! (recycle) 6. Farmers in our village often  ____________ their field with compost. (fertilizer) 7. Are you interested in ___________ the environment? (protect) 8. There are many ____________ made from recycled things. (produce) 9. Waste paper can be ____________ after being recycling. (use) 10. We can protect the environment by ____________ air pollution. (reduction) Chuyển từ câu chủ động sang bị động 1. They clean these rooms every morning.  These rooms 2. People play football all over the world. → Football 3. The mailman collects the letters every 6 am. - >The letters 4. A. G. Bell invented the telephone in 1876. - >The telephone 5. He wrote that book last year. - >That book 6. Mr. Brown took the children to the zoo last Sunday. - >The children 7. People use milk to make butter and cheese. - > Milk 8. They plant rice in those fields - > Rice 9. They make paper from wood. - > Paper 10. We sent these postcards to our friends by air. - >These postcards Giúp với mn ??

1 câu trả lời



1. Representatives 

2. Use

3. Packaging 

4. Overpackaged 

5. Recycling 

6. Fertilize 

7. Protecting 

8. Products 

9. Reused 

10. Reducing 


1. These rooms are cleaned every morning. 

2. Football is played all over the world. 

3. The letters are collected by the mailman every 6 am. 

4. The telephone was invented by A. G. Bell in 1876.

5. That book was written by him last year. 

6. The children were taken to the zoo by Mr. Brown last Sunday.

7. Milk is used to make butter and cheese. 

8. Rice is planted in those fields. 

9. Paper is made from wood. 

10. These postcards were sent to our friends by air. 

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