Chuyển các câu sang câu bị động Nam built this house in 1999 > Wind posted the letter last month > The used this fans all day > Tim ordered this train ticket for his mother > The noved the fridge into the living room >

2 câu trả lời

Nam built this house in 1999.
⇒ This house was built by Nam in 1999.
Wind posted the letter last month.
⇒ The letter was posted by wind last month.
The used this fans all day.
⇒ This fans are used to be all day
Tim ordered this train ticket for his mother.
⇒ This train ticket was ordered by Tim for his mother
The noved the fridge into the living room.
⇒ The fridge was noved into living room.

This house was built by Nam in 1999.

The letter was posted by wind last month.

This fans were used by the ...(thiếu chủ ngữ nha bạn) all day.

This train ticket for his mother was ordered by Tim.

The fridge was moved by the ...(thiếu chủ ngữ) into the living room. 

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