❺ Choose the correct word or phrase in each sentence. 1. This is impossible! It can't be / mustn't be / may not be the answer. 2. Well done! You may be / must be / might be very pleased. 3. I've no idea where Jane is. She could be / must be anywhere! 4. I suppose it's possible. I might / can / must come to your party. 5. I'm not sure. I must not / may not be able to get there in time. (6) 5. The notice says you have to sign the forms twice, (be) The notice says the forms……………………………………………….twice. ❸ Use the given verbs in either active or passive form with the most suitable modal. 1. Megan didn;t have to insult Jean's cooking in front of everyone at the party last night. She (just say) ……………...she was full or had some salad if she didn't like the meal. 2. Five of the committee members will be unable to attend the next meeting. In my opinion, the meeting (postpone) ……………... . 3. A child (not give) ……………...everything he or she wants. 4. New research suggests that exercise (reduce) ……………...the chance of heart disease as well as cancer. That's why I told my father that he (start) ……………... walking once a day. 5. Your daughter has a good voice. Her interest in singing (encourage) ……………... 6. We (call) ……………...Tim before we go over to his house; he (not be) ……………... there. I don't want to drive all the way there for nothing. 7. Try to speak slowly when you give your speech, if you do not, some of your words (misunderstand) ……………... 8. Some UFO sightings (not explain) ……………...easily. No one is able to explain them easily. ❹ Use the given verbs in either active or passive form with the most suitable modal. 1. The entire valley (see)……………...from their mountain home. 2. He is wearing a gold ring on his fourth finger. He (marry) ……………... . 3. You (take) ……………...your umbrella along with you today. The weatherman on the news said there's a storm north of here and it (rain) ……………...later on this afternoon. 4. According to our teacher, all of our compositions (write) ……………...in ink. He won't accept papers written in pencil. 5. I found this book on my desk when I came to class. It (leave) ……………...by one of the students in the earlier class.

2 câu trả lời



1. can't be : không thể

2. must be : ắt hẳn

3. could be : có thể

4. might : có khả năng, có thể xảy ra 

5. may not : có thể xảy ra nhưng không chắc chắn

6. The notice says the forms must be signed twice.

-> must (sự bắt buộc/mệnh lệnh -> bên ngoài tác động)

-> bị động must be V3/ed


1. could have just said

-> could have V3/ed : lẽ ra đã có thể

2. should be postponed

-> bị động should be V3/ed

3. shouldn't be given

-> bị động shouldn't be V3/ed

4. can reduce/ought to start

-> ought to V ~ should V

5. must be encouraged

-> bị động must be V3/ed

6. had better call/might not be

-> had better V ~ should V

7. may be understood

-> bị động may be V3/ed

8. cannot be explained

-> bị động cannot be V3/ed


1. can be seen

-> bị động can be V3/ed

2. must be married

-> bị động must be V3/ed

3. should/might

-> should V : nên 

-> might V : có khả năng, có thể xảy ra

4. must be written

-> must be V3/ed

5. must have been left

-> must have V3/ed : ắt hẳn

1.can't be

2.must be

3.could be


5.must not

5. The notice says the forms have to be signed twice.

1.has just said

2.will be postponed

3. doesn't give

4.should be reduced- start

5.should be encouraged

6.should call- may not be

7.will be misunderstood

8.aren't be explained

1.is seen

2.is married

3.should take - will rain

4.were written

5. was left

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