. Choose the correct option A, B, C or D to complete the sentences. 1. In the United State, there are 50 …………… and six different time zones across the country. A. decorated B. nations C. towns D. countries 2. I once tried to ………… apple pie when I was in London. It was really delicious. A. do B. cook C. make D. show 3. You should go to Canada in summer because it is the most popular time for visitors to ………….. Niagara Falls and see the beautiful sights there. A. stay B. look C. tour D. visit 4. Nowadays you still see the ……….. men wear kilts (skirts) to wedding or other formal occasions. A. Scottish B. Scotland C. Scots D. Scot 5. The USA has a population of about 304 million, and it’s the third ……… country in the world. A. smallest B. largest C. narrowest D. highest 6. In some English speaking countries, turkey and pudding are ……….. food at Christmas. A. national B. historical C. traditional D. possible

2 câu trả lời

1D countries : (những) nước (ví dụ: Việt Nam, Mỹ, Trung Quốc...)

2C make : làm

3D visit : thăm

4A Scottish : người Scotland

5B largest : rộng nhất

6C traditional : mang tính truyền thống

1. D

2. C

3. D

4. A

5. B

6. C

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