CHOOSE THE BEST ANSWER: Where is your school? – It’s ………. .Bat Trang village * A. on B. at C. in D. near What …………….do you ……….today? – I have Maths, English and IT * . subjects/ have B. animals/ have C. colour/ have What …….Mary …….?- She is cooking in the kitchen. A. are/doing B. is/ doing C. is/ do D. do/ doing What is your…………? I like singing very much * A. hobby B. Music C. subject D. favourite What did you do yesterday? – I………….TV and played football * A. watch B. watched C. watching D. watches . I can swim but I can’t ………… * A. dancing B. dance C. danced D. dances Where was Minh yesterday ? * A. He went to his grandparent's. B. He will go the cinema. C. He was in the library.

2 câu trả lời




Xin hay nhất

Where is your school? - It's on Bat Trang village.

What subjects do you have today? - I have Maths, English and IT.

What is Mary doing? - She is cooking in the kitchen.

What is your hobby? I like singing very much.

 ( Cho mik câu trả lời hay nhất nhé)

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