Chị nguyenthanhvan1 ơi???????? GIẢI GIÚP EM ĐI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Đổi sang quá khứ và đặt câu: 1. think--> 2. send--> 3. learn--> Đặt câu có sử dụng 3 từ đó

2 câu trả lời

1. think → thought

2. send → sent

3. learn → learnt

1. I thought that aliens might come ti Earth one day.

2. I learnt a lot of useful things from my teacher last year.

3. I sent a letter to my pen-friend yesterday.

1. think → thought

I thought about that film.

2. send → sent

He sent me a letter.

3. learn → learned/learnt

She learned/learnt English yesterday.