Chép lại 1 đoạn trong bài thư lại dụ Vương Thông của nguyễn trãi mà phân tích đoạn ấy

1 câu trả lời

Previously, the men in their hearts cheated, in addition to borrowing the pretext of reconciling, building ditches and ditches, waiting for reinforcements, hearts and actions to disagree, inside and out the inconsistency, how was enough to make us believe but did not expect it. The ancients have the saying: "The stomach of other men I guess" means that. In the old days, the Qin Dynasty annexed six countries, tyrannized four tanks, and did not take care of the righteous virtue. Nay Ngo [1] is not as strong as Tan, and is so harsh, it will take less than a year to die together, it is a destiny, not human power. At present, the north has the enemy Thien Nguyen [2], the south has riots in Tam Chau countries [3], a Giang Ta area [4] cannot keep itself, let alone attempt to rob another country? ? You do not understand the situation, being defeated, and still rely on Zhang Fathers [5], is that a great man, or is it just a woman?

đoạn phân tích:

More importantly, Nguyen Trai expresses a visionary, knows how to achieve the highest results with the lowest losses and is also willing to have a humble and soft way of saying to end the war and seek benefits. for all generations to come. In the position of the winner, Nguyen Trai confidently opened the way for General Vuong Thong and the army: “You are the ones who clearly understand the situation and understand the times, so cutting down the heads of Phuong Chinh and Ma Ky brings them Military doors surrender. So in the city will be away from fish meat, the country will cry and grief, reconcile communication, can through removal. If we want to withdraw our troops back to the country, we will repair the bridges and bridges, buy boats and boats, and complete two routes, as desired; military out of the realm, want to ensure peace, no worries; our country serves the gods as usual,...

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