Câu 9: Jane had 27kg of flour. She used of it in January and of the rest in February. How many kilograms of flour did she have left? Answer: She had …kg of flour left. Câu 10: Simon travelled 1280km more than John. Ben travelled 1120km more than Simon. The three men travelled 6674km. What is the distance travelled by Simon? Answer: The distance … km. Câu 11: Think of a number that when added to 12 then the answer is divided by 5 the result is 7. Choose the correct expression of the above situation. A – x + 12 : 7 = 5 B – (x + 12) : 7 = 5 C – (x + 12) : 5 = 7 D – x + 12 : 5 = 7 Câu 12: Mr Tom drove from his apartment to his office which is 1243m away. What is the total distance travelled to and fro by him in 4 day? Answer: The total distance is ……….…m giải giúp ạ

2 câu trả lời

Câu 9 :

She had 13 kg of flour left 

Câu 10:

The distance 2400 km

Câu 11:


Câu 12:

The total distance is 4972 m 



Câu 9:13 kg

Câu 10:2400 km

Câu 11:D

Câu 12:4972 km 

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