Câu 8. Complete the sentences with prepositions of time 1. I’ll see you…the evening 2. They got married…21 April 2002 3. I’m usually free…8pm and 10pm 4. She doesn’t like travelling…night 5. Do you give each other presents…Christmas ? Câu 9. Choose the right word in brackets to complete each sentence 1. Our team won the game because we played very…(good/well) 2. Her English is quite…(fluent/fluently) 3. She fell and hurt herself…(bad/badly) 4. He look at me…when I interrupted him (angry/angrily) 5. I alwways feel…when the sun is shining (happy/happily) Câu 10. Complete the sentences. Put for or since into each gap. 1. I’m staying in England …a year 2. She has lived in London…1985 3. I have known her…January 4. Have you learned English …a long time ? 5. I haven’t seen Tom…we left school.

2 câu trả lời

Câu 8. Complete the sentences with prepositions of time

1. in

2. on

3. at

4. at

5. at

Câu 9. Choose the right word in brackets to complete each sentence

1. well

2. fluent

3. badly

4. angrily

5. happy

Câu 10. Complete the sentences. Put for or since into each gap

1. for 

2. since

3. since

4. for

5. since

 chúc b học tốt

Câu 8 : 

1 . in

2 . on

3 . at

4 . at

5 . on

Câu 9 : 

1 . well

2 . fluent

3 . badly

4 . angrily

5 . happy

Câu 10 "

1 . for

2 . since

3 . since

4 . for

5 . since

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