bài 3:Supply the correct form or tense of the verbs in breakets 1.Bad driving(cause)..............many accidents 2.Mai and Lan(see)........ a movie tonight 3.Mozart (wite).................... more than 600 pieces of music 4."How you (learn)............... to drive?"-" My father (teach)............. me." 5.We usually (go)..... to the library three times a week,but last week we(go)........twice 6.Alexander(introduce)............the telephone in 1876 7.Yesterday i (be)...........busy,so i (not have).........time to phone you 8.Would you like (come)..........to dinner tomorrow

2 câu trả lời

1. causes

2. will see

3. wrote

4. do you learn/teaches

5. go/went

6. introduced

7. were/didn't have

8. to come


will see 


how do you learn.... teaches 

go.... went 


was...... didn't have 

to come 

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