Bài 1 complete the senfences using the correct form of the words in brackets 1 My grandfather owns a valuable............... of stamps ( COLLECT ) 2 custom and traditional of a country are........... from those of others . ( DIFFER ) * Bài 2 Complete the following sentences using the cued words 1 Hanging out/ friends/ be / very / interesting ----------> 2 Life / the countryside/ be / slower / life / the city --------> 3 the Cham ethnic group / a population/ about 100,000 ---------> 4 we / have / custom / give / children / lucky money / Tet -------->

2 câu trả lời

1, collection

2, different

bai 2/

1, hanging out with friend is very interesting

2, life in the countryside is slower than life in the city.

3 ,the cham ethnic group has a population of about 100000

4, we have a custom to give children lucky money at tet.

Bài 1:

1. collection (n): bộ sưu tập (cần điền danh từ vì đứng sau tính từ valuable; sau tính từ cần một danh từ)

2. different (adj): khác (cần điền tính từ vì đứng sau tobe)

Bài 2:

1. Hanging out with friends is very interesting.

2. Life in the countryside is slower than life in the city.

3. The Cham ethnic group has a population of about 100,000.

4. We have a custom of giving children lucky money at Tet.

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