Bài 1 . Chia động từ trong ngoặc . a. Mr. Thompson is out at the moment , but he ( be ) ... back in half an hour . b. Helen is afraid of ( drive ) ... on slippery roads . c. When i came , they ( have ) .. a row . d. Some animals (not eat ) ... during winter . e. Listen to those people . What language they ( speak ) ... ? f. At the age of 22 , she (move) ... to the USA and settled there . g. Laura is a writer . She ( write ) ... four books for children . h. Many road accidents ( cause ) ... by careless driving . i. There used to (be ) ... a market in my neighborhood . j. James is keen on ( collect ) ... coins .

2 câu trả lời

a. was

b. driving

c. had

d. don't eat

e. are they speaking

f. moved

g. writes

h. are caused

i. be

j. collecting

a) was

b) driving

c.) had

d) don't eat

e) are they speaking

f) moved

g) writes

h) are caused

i) be

j) collecting

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