A.Chia động từ ở thì quá khứ tiếp diễn 1. I ___________________down the street when it begin to rain (go) 2. At this time last year, I ___________________an English course (attend) 3. Jim ________________ under the tree when he heard an explosion (stand) 4. The boy fell and hurt himself while he _________________ a bicycle (ride) 5. When we met them last year, they______________ in Santiago (live) 6. The tourist lost his camera while he________________ around the city (walk) 7. The lorry _______________ very fast when it hit our car (go) 8. While I ____________________in my room, my roommate ___________________ a party in the other room (study/ have) 9. Mary and I___________________ the house when the telephone rang (just leave) 10. We __________________ in the café when they saw us (sit)

2 câu trả lời

1.was going

2.was attending

3.was standing

4.was riding

5. were living

6.was walking

7.was going

8.was studying/was having

9.were just leaving

10.were sitting

1. I _____was going______________down the street when it begin to rain (go)
2. At this time last year, I ______was attending_____________an English course (attend)
3. Jim _______was standing_________ under the tree when he heard an explosion (stand)
4. The boy fell and hurt himself while he _______was riding__________ a bicycle (ride)
5. When we met them last year, they______were living________ in Santiago (live)
6. The tourist lost his camera while he_____was walking___________ around the city (walk)
7. The lorry ________was going_______ very fast when it hit our car (go)
8. While I ________was studying___________in my room, my roommate ______was having_____________ a party in the other room (study/ have)
9. Mary and I________were just leaving___________ the house when the telephone rang (just leave)
10. We _________were sitting_________ in the café when they saw us (sit)

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