4. She lives in a little house on Cross Street. The house 6. She's excited at the chance to share what she's learned with others.. She is looking 7. He has eaten an enormous breakfast, but he managed to eat a big lunch Despite 8. We haven’t visited Hanoi for two years. We last paid 9. Save electricity, or else you will pay much per month. You won’t pay 10. Don't forget to save your work regularly or you will loose your data If you 11. Bin stores the data on a hard disk and backs up on a floppy disk The data 12. In spite of the heavy rain, we could get to work in time Although 13. We can’t drink the coffee because it is extremely strong. The coffee is too 14. If I were you, I would take a taxi. I suggested that 15. Mai said to Tom: “you win your race perfectly” Mai congratulated 16. She thinks she knows everything about raising children, but I could tell her a thing or two. She thinks everything about raising children 17. She said to me “ My jeans are more beautiful than mine” She said to me that my jeans 18. The government of Vietnam has approved COVID-19 vaccine for emergency use in Vietnam COVID-19 19. Nowadays young women are more fashionable than they were some years Some years back young 20. Business is always slow during those months because everyone's on holiday. Everyone giuppppppppppppppp tuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

1 câu trả lời

4, The house which she lives in is a little house on Cross Street.

6, She is looking forward to sharing what she’s learned with others.

7, Despite having eaten an enormous breakfast, he managed to eat a big lunch.

8, We last paid a visit to Hanoi two years ago.

9, You won’t pay much per month if you save electricity.

10, If you don’t remember to save your work regularly, you will lose your data.

11, The data which Bin stores on a hard disk is backed up on a floppy disk.

12, Although the rain was heavy, we could get to work in time.

13, The coffee is too strong for us to drink.

14, I suggested that I should take a taxi.

15, Mai congratulated Tom on winning his race perfectly.

16, She thinks everything about raising children is known by her, but I could tell her a thing or two.

17, She said to me that my jeans were more beautiful than hers.

18, COVID-19 vaccine has been approved for emergency use in Vietnam by the government of Vietnam.

19, Some years back young women were not as fashionable as they are nowadays.

20, Everyone’s on holiday, which always makes business slow during those months.

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