26. Shall we go out for dinner? (use How about) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 27. My absence from school yesterday made the teacher angry. (use because of) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 28. It’s interesting to read the books in quiet places. (Gerund) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 29. Mai took a taxi, but she still arrived late for the interview. (use Despite) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 30. We don’t go to school late any more . (use used to) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 31. His favourite food is fried chicken. He _____________________________________________________________________________________ 32. I last saw him two weeks ago. I ________________________________________________________________________________________ 33. They continued to walk in spite of the rain. They went_________________________________________________________________________________ 34. If I were you, I should plant more flowers in the garden. I think ____________________________________________________________________________________

2 câu trả lời

26. How about going out for dinner?

27. Because of my absence from school yesterday, the teacher was angry.

28. Reading the books in quiet places is interesting.

29. Despite taking a taxi, Mai still arrived late for the interview.

30. We used to go to school late.

31. He like fried chicken most.

32. I haven't seen him for 2 weeks.

33. They went on walking in spite of the rain.

34. I think you should plant more flowers in the garden.

26. How about going out for dinner?

27. The teacher wasangry because of my absence from school yesterday

28. Reading the books in quiet places is interesting.

29. Despite taking a taxi, Mai still arrived late for the interview.

30. We used to go to school late.

31. He likes fried chicken

32. I haven't seen him for two weeks._

33. They went walking in spite of the rain.

34.I think I should plant more flowers in the garden. 

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