1.Our front gate is falling to pieces. It really wants (repair) 2. I was beginning ( think) I was wrong. 3. I dread (visit) the dentist. 4. I dread (think) about what has happened. 5. I prefer (walk) to ( cycle). 6. I had just sarted (eat) when the waiter took my plate away. 7. Would you like ( come) to the beach with us tomorrow. 8. I hate (disturb) you but I’m going to. 9.I hate (tell) you this , but your jacket’s torn. 10. I hate ( wait) for buses. 11. What will you have? - I’d prefer (have) steak, please. 12. Have you forgotten (meet) me years ago? 13. I remember (visit) Paris when I was very young. 14. Please remember( lock) the door on your way out. 15. Did you remember (phone Jim last night? 16. I shall never forget (be) taken to see the Moscow State Circus. 17. Don’t forget ( find) out how many are coming on saturday. 18.I forgot (go) to the chemist’s on my way home. 19. We all tried ( stop) him, but he just wouldn’t listen to anyone. 20. If you want (stop) (cough), Why don’t you try (drink) some water? 21. She got annoyed because her husband stopped (look) in every shop window. 22. Just stop (talk) and listen for a moment. 23. If we hadn’t turnedthe music off they’d have gone on (dance) till morning. 24. she got a degree in physics and then went on ( take) a course in Applied maths. 25. I regret (tell) you that there’s been an accident. 26. He regretted (stay) in the same job for so long. 27. He hates ( do ) the washing up. 28. I’d hate ( spend) Christmas alone. 29. I’m beginning ( understand) why he acted as he did. 30. It ceased (matter) whether or not he sold his work. 31. She never ceased ( complain) about prices. 32. He advised me (apply) at once. 33. He advised (apply) at once. 34. The glass wants (cut). 35. She recommends (buy) the big tins. 36. I regret (say) that you have failed your exam. 37.I mean (get) to the top by sunrise. 38. I remember ( read) about the earthquake in the papers. 39. I regret ( spend) so much money. 40. I was very tired , I tried (keep) my eyes open but I couldn’t. 41.I rang the door bell but there was no answer. Then I tried ( knock) on the door, but there was still no answer. 42. We tried (put) the firew out but we were unsuccessful. We had to call the fire brigade. 43. Sue needed ( borrow) some money. She tried (ask) Gerry but he was short of money too. 44. I tried ( reach)the shelf but I wasn’t tall enough. 45. Please leave me alone. I’m trying (concentrate). 46. I need a change. I need (go) away for a while. 47. She isn’t able to look after herself. She needs (look) aftwer. 48. The windows are dirty. They need (clean). 49. Why are you leaving now? You don’t need (go) yet, do you? 50. You don’t need (iron) that shirt. It needs (iron). 51. Try (not make) so much noise. 52. I remember (meet) you before but I forget your name. 53. Don’t forget (send) me a cable when you arrive in Ha noi. 54. He stopped (smoke) a cigarette. But it was so windy that he failed to do it. 55. Yesterday I went to Mai’s party. But now I regret (go) there. - Why? - I regret (say) that I stayed there too long. 56. Why did you stop (go) to the youth club? - I wanted ( wait) until my brother was old enough to go with me. 57. Have you seen my keys today? - Yes, I remember (see) the on the table this mh, no. It’s starting ( rain). 60. Lucia started (study) English 6 years ago.

1 câu trả lời

1, to be repaired

2, to think

3, visiting

4, to think

5, walking; cycling

6, to eat

7, to come

8, disturbing

9, to tell

10, waiting

11, to have

12, meeting

13, visiting

14, to lock

15, to phone

16, being

17, to find

18, to go

19, to stop

20, to stop; coughing; drinking

21, to look

22, talking

23, dancing

24, taking

25, to tell

26, staying

27, doing

28, to spend

29, to understand

30, mattering

31, to matter

32, to apply

33, applying

34, cutting

35, buying

36, to say

37, getting

38, reading

39, spending

40, to keep

41, to knock

42, to put

43, to borrowing; to ask

44, to reach

45, to concentrate

46, to go

47, to be looked

48, cleaning

49, to go

50, ironing

51, not to make

52, meeting

53, to send

54, smoking

55, going; to say

56, going; to wait

57, seeing; to rain

60, studying

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