1.I speak English .....now than last year(fluently) 2.they smiled ...than before (happily) 3.Tom arrived ...than I expected(early) 4.We will meet ..in the afternoon (late) 5.Mary dances ....than anyone else (gracefully) 6.Could you speak .....?(loud) 7.Jim could do the tast ...Jane (well) 8.We walked......than other people(slowly) 9.Planes can fly ...than birds (high) 10.I can throw the ball ...than anyone else in my team (far). 11.Jame drivers.....than his wife (carefully). 12.I visit my grandmother ...than my brother (often) 13.No one can run ....than Jonh(fast) 14.My sister cooks ...than I (badly) 15.Everyone in my company is working...than ever before(hard)

1 câu trả lời

1. more fluently

2. more happily

3. earlier

4. later

5. more gracefulIy

6. louder

7. better than

8. slower

9. higher

10. futher

11. more carefuII

12. more often

13. faster

14. worst

15. harder

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