15. She wishes her father …………… here to help her now. (be) 16. I wish you …………………. them my phone yesterday. (not give) 17. I wish they …………………… us when we were in the town. (visit) 18. He wishes someone ………………… him a work next month. (give) 19. If only I …………………… a trip to Hanoi next week. (take) 20. We wished we …………………… the teacher’s explanation yesterday. (understand) 21. He missed an exciting sport program. He wishes he …………………. it. (watch) 22. If only I ……………… more time to finish this work. (have) 23. I wish she …………………… to see me yesterday. (come) 24. I wish that someone …………………… able to marry her. (be)

2 câu trả lời

`15`. She wishes her father ………were…… here to help her now. (be)

`16`. I wish you ………hadn't given…………. them my phone yesterday. (not give)

`17`. I wish they …………had visited………… us when we were in the town. (visit)

`18`. He wishes someone …………would give……… him a work next month. (give)

`19`. If only I ………would take…………… a trip to Hanoi next week. (take)

`20`. We wished we ………had understood…………… the teacher’s explanation yesterday. (understand)

`21`. He missed an exciting sport program. He wishes he ………had watched…………. it. (watch)

`22`. If only I ……had………… more time to finish this work. (have)

`23`. I wish she ……………had come……… to see me yesterday. (come)

`24`. I wish that someone ……………were……… able to marry her. (be)

`→` Cấu trúc câu ước

* Cấu trúc câu ước ở hiện tại

KĐ: S + wish(es) + S + V2/-ed + O (to be: were / weren’t)

PĐ: S + wish(es) + S + didn’t + V1

* Cấu trúc câu ước ở quá khứ

KĐ: S + wish(es) + S + had + V3/-ed

PĐ: S + wish(es) + S + hadn’t + V3/-ed

* Cấu trúc câu ước ở tương lai

KĐ: S+ wish(es) + S + would + V1

PĐ: S + wish(es) + S + wouldn’t + V1

Note: S + wish(es) có thể thay bằng If only

15. She wishes her father (be) WERE here now to help her.

16. I wish you (not give) HADN'T GIVEN them my phone number yesterday.

17. I wish they ( visit) HAD VISITED us when they were in town.

18. I wish someone (give) WOULD GIVE me a job next month.

19. If only I (can take) COULD TAKE the trip to Hanoi with her next summer.

20. We wish we (understand) HAD UNDERSTOOD all the teacher's explanation yesterday.

21. He missed an exciting football match on TV last night. He wishes he (watch) HAD WATCHED it.

22. He only I (have) HAD more time to do this job.

23. I wish she (come) HAD COME to see me yesterday.

24. I wish that someday I (be) WOULD BE able to marry her.

Vì các câu trên đều là thì quá khứ đơn (Past simple) nên ta có công thức :

S + was/ were + N/Adj

Lưu ý:

I/ He/ She/ It / Danh từ số ít / Danh từ không đếm được + was

We/ You/ They/ Danh từ số nhiều + were

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