1)You/ever/speak/to/foreigner/ before? 2)I/not/ know/ when/ the train/ leave. 3)Rose/often/walk/school/but/today/ she/ ride/ new/ bike/ at / present. 4)How much/ time / you/ often/ spend/ on/ self-studing? 5)Who/ Jane/ talk/ to/ over/ there? 6) I/ not/ fin/ my car key/ yet/./ I/ call/ my husband/ to/ ask/ him/ about/ it. 7 ) No one/ heard/ news/ about/ accident/ this morning. 8) everyone/ sleep/ now/ but/ I/ be/ awake. 9) How long/ it/ usually/ take/ you/ to/ finish/ your breakfast?

2 câu trả lời

1. Have you ever spoken to a foreigner before?

2. I don't know when the train leaves.

3. Rose often walks to school but today she is riding her new bike at present.

4. How much time do you often spend on self-studying?

5. Who is Jane talking to over there?

6. I haven't found my car ket yet. I will call my husband to ask him about it.

7. No one has heard news about the accident this morning.

8. Everyone is sleeping now but I am awake.

9. How long does it usually take you to finish your breakfast?

1. Have you ever spoken to a foreigner before? (thì hiện tại hoàn thành)

2. I don't know when the train leaves. (thì hiện tại đơn)

3. Rose often walks to school but today she is riding her new bike at present. (vế 1 chia hiện tại đơn, vế 2 chia hiện tại tiếp diễn)

4. How much time do you often spend on self-studying? (HTĐ)

5. Who is Jane talking to over there? (HTTD)

6. I haven't found my car ket yet. I will call my husband to ask him about it. (Câu 1 chia HTHT, câu 2 chia tương lai đơn vì đây là quyết định tức thời)

7. No one has heard (any) news about the accident this morning. (thì HTHT, từ sáng đến giờ vẫn chưa có ai nghe thêm tin gì)

8. Everyone is sleeping now but I am awake. (thì HTTD, chủ ngữ là đại từ bất định => tobe chia số ít)

9. How long does it usually take you to finish your breakfast? (HTĐ)