1: There park is over there,only 5minute's walk -If you walk 2: Leave me alone or I'll call the police -Unless 3: if you arrive at the police earlier than I do, please turn on the air-conditioner -Should 4: The children go to school in the snowy weather -If it 5: He died số young; otherwise, he would be a famous musician by now -Had

2 câu trả lời

1. If you walk to the park, it'll take you five minutes

2. Unless you leave me alone, i'll call the police

3. Should you arrive at the police earlier than i do, please turn on the air-conditioner

4. If it weren't snowy, the children would go to school

5. Had he not died so young, he would have been a famous musician by now


1.  If you walk to the park, it will take you 5 minutes

2.  Unless you leave me aloneI'll call the police

3. Should you arrive at the police earlier than I do, please turn on the air-conditioner.

4.  If it snows, the children won't go to school

5.  Had he not died so young , he would be a famous musician by now.

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